
Wednesday 12.16.15

Chris Loves Jenni

3 rounds for time of:

Run 500 meters
50 double-unders (no singles!! Attempt double unders.)
50 walking lunges

Post time to comments.

 Happy 15 Year Anniversary to Us!!


  1. Made up yesterday's WOD then
    Got through 1 round today
    *DU 1 by 1- that took half of my time!
    Ran out of time today

  2. 2 rounds in 16:25. Have to go get ready for my daughters Christmas program!
    One at a time double unders!!

  3. 27.06 ugh not sure why the slow time ;-(
    All DU …..thanks for pushing us to do these!!! Never thought I could do DU til I actually tried it 🙂

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