Thursday 11.12.15


For time:
15 squat cleans, 20-30 lbs.
30 knees-to-elbows
30 box jumps, 18-inch box
15 pull-ups, assist as needed
30 shoulders-to-overheads, 10-lb. dumbbells
30 double-unders (120 single but attempt double-unders!!)
15 thrusters, 20-30 lbs
30 butterfly sit-ups
30 burpees
300-foot walking lunge holding 20 lbs

Compare to 07.14.14 (slightly modified)

Post time to comments.

Hiit Mama Gillian from
90 Day Challenge II


  1. 19:30
    40# SC, shoulder press, thrusters
    20# walking lunges
    7 pull ups unassisted
    Double unders- 1 at a time

    Almost 3 minutes longer- but 20# heavier and completed double unders so I'll take it!

  2. 4xhill repeats(up and down=2 miles)

    19:56 compared to 24:45 last time
    40# squat clean, shoulder to overheads, thrusters
    kte on bar
    jumping pull-ups
    double unders(lots of slaps of the rope)

  3. 25:58 30 weeks preggo

    Did 30 sq clean on accident switched BJ to 15

    65 # SC, S to OH, thrusters
    Did 10# wall ball instead of burpees b/c of belly
    120 JR with DU mixed in probably every 3-4 singles
    PU with band

  4. 17:00
    30# for SC, PP, and thrusters
    K2E on floor
    Self assisted pull ups
    100 lunges with 25#
    And lots of wheezing/coughing

    Vs 17:02
    14" box jumps
    20# lunges

  5. 15:12
    20lb SC, SP, and thrusters
    KTE on floor
    Assisted PU
    10lb lunges

    Seeing this picture makes me wish I hadn't waited so long after baby #2 to get back into it, but also makes me think I did it once I can do it again, and keep going.

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