Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
3 snatches, 20-30 lbs
6 cleans, 20-30 lbs
9 pull-ups, assist as needed
54 double-unders (216 single jump)
Post rounds completed to comments.
My computer has a virus! Bare with me until I get things back to normal!
6 rounds exactly
20# KB snatch- alternated arms each round
50# clean
pull ups- unassisted & assisted
54 singles- I read this WOD on another crossfit site and their modification was 54 singles- I followed that so I could get more weights in this way 🙂
3 rounds plus snatches, cleans, and 3 pull-ups of 4th round. 20# snatches, 30# cleans
Timer went off in the middle of cleans round 5, finished the set anyway.
3 mile run
4 rounds in 12:29
35# snatches and cleans
Jumping pull-ups
4 rounds with 20# and single jumps
Push ups instead of pull ups last two rounds. Pull up bar was being used when I needed it
4 rounds
20 lbs. all
Jump pull-ups
Single jump ropes
3 rounds SJR
3 rounds and 3 snatches. 15 lb/chair assisted/100 jump ropes. 7 weeks post partum after baby #6
^^so specific because following this site since baby #4
Feeling awesome and excited to improve!
4 rounds + 3 snatches and 6 cleans
30# snatches and cleans
Self assisted pull ups
Jumping pull ups are not helping me get to real ones so trying something else.
This cough is killing me. My lungs are full of junk. : (
Last time I did a WOD was in early 2013. Now it's time to jump back in and become that strong, fit woman again. I know my form was probably horrible because I got 6 rounds in using 20#'s for snatches & cleans, did push-ups for pull-ups because I don't have a pull-up bar. I did 54 singles per a round after reading other comments. I also need to get a jumprope. I only got the snatches, clean and push-ups in for round 7.
3 rounds then got as far as 30SJR
20lb for both
Assisted PU
DU first round, SJR for the rest
2 rounds + snatches, cleans and pull ups. Took the 216 sjr slow at 13 weeks, my lungs are already affected :/ 10# dB snatches, 20# cleans, and jumping pull ups. Felt SO GOOD to workout, after 8 weeks of nothing but sleep for the first trimester.
3 rounds mostly single jump rope
Cable row assisted pull-ups
20 min elliptical