Monday 10.26.15

In front of a clock set for 12 minutes:
1 minute of 18-inch box jumps
1 minute of 20-lb. sumo deadlift high pulls
2 minutes of 18-inch box jumps
2 minutes of 20-lb. sumo deadlift high pulls
3 minutes of 18-inch box jumps
3 minutes of 20-lb. sumo deadlift high pulls

Compare to 04.18.14

Post reps for each set to comments.



  1. Did it but didn't count reps. Tough one

  2. Box jumps 18"
    26, 42, 56

    30# SDHP
    28, 48, 62

    box jumps 14"
    29, 47, 62

    30# SDHP
    26, 42, 52

  3. Jumps 21, 46, 71 (1st round 18", 2nd and 3rd rounds 12")
    sDHP 20, 38, 58 all with 20#kb

    3.1 mile run after

  4. Got half way through the first minute doing jumps but my box (large cooler) was too unstable. Step ups after that.
    Step ups: 25, 56, 80
    High pulls 20 lb: 30, 60, 90

    Well, I'm nothing if not consistent on the high pulls.

  5. Box jumps: 22, 44, 64
    SDLHP: 17, 38, 56

    Box jumps were somewhere in between a jump and a step up.

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