
Thursday 10.22.15

3 rounds for time of:
Run 500 meters
21 burpees
12 thrusters, 20-30 lbs

Post time to comments.



  1. 16:32
    40 lbs
    My arms are feeling scorpion pose from last 2 days. Ouch

  2. 16:08
    Treadmill at 7.5
    20# thrusters

    I'm totally beat. 5 WODs in 3 days. Playing catch up sucks!!

  3. Done, didn't time on purpose 🙂
    burpees all done
    20# thrusters, could've gone heavier

    I will join the vi shake challenge when I have my baby next spring. Can you do it while nursing? Anyone have experience with that? The sugar is so low wondering if anyone felt it didn't let you produce as much?

    1. When using the Vi-Shape protein shake while nursing, it is excellent for the protein and vitamins and weight loss but you cannot use it as a meal replacement as you need to keep your calories up for milk production. A lot of milk production is based on calories and hydration.

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