Friday 10.02.15

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 rep rounds of:
Walking lunge steps
Thrusters, 20 lbs
Push-ups (assist as needed)
Knees to elbows
Compare to 10.03.14
Post time to comments.



  1. 18:59
    Pull ups
    KTE on bar

    Couldn't figure out why I was so much slower…realized as I'm typing I did pull ups instead of push ups. this is what happens when you read the blog at 5am as soon as the alarm goes off!

    Great workout!

  2. 17:25
    30# thrusters
    First 3 rounds did 5 PU on toes, rest on knees. Last 4 rounds did 3 PU on toes, rest on knees. (27 total on toes)
    K2E on floor

    Vs 17:45 with 12 PU on toes

    So so sore. Today was tough. TGIF!!

  3. 10:59 2nd round did a mix of thrusters& push press due to 2 leg workouts this week with one of those just yesterda but didn't cheat any of the other rounds.
    Vs 14:12&13:29
    Took 3 weeks off to work on lifting weights only to strength train. Very noticeable difference!

  4. 19:15
    20# thruster
    Set of 10bpu per round, rest gpu

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