Monday 09.14.15

For time:
100 double-unders
500 meter run
25 step-ups with 20-lb. dumbbells to 18-inch box

Post time to comments.


  1. 14:55
    Did all 100 double unders 1 by 1, but did them!
    15 step ups w/ 40# 10 w/ 20#

  2. After continuously slapping myself with the jump rope, I converted to single jump ropes.
    400 sjr
    Rest as rxd

  3. 4 mile run

    All double-unders
    Step-ups on 24 inch box with 20# dumbbells

  4. Did a different one:
    30 min interval run
    Then 10 min am rap
    6 hang cleans
    6 presses
    6 back squat
    Used 45#
    7 rounds plus cleans and presses

  5. Subbed burpees for double unders (!?!)

    100 burpees (9:36 vs 10:17 in March)
    Treadmill @ 7.5
    25# free weight each hand for step ups

  6. 15:50
    300 jump ropes
    500 meter run
    20# total for dumbbell (biggest I have are 10#s)

  7. 7:03
    Steps ups holding a 25lb bag of rocks

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