Wednesday 08.26.15

Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
10 box jumps, 18-inch box
20 one-legged squats, alternating

Post rounds completed to comments.


  1. 5 rounds
    Did 10 each leg then switched for next 10 on squats
    Used box for jumps and assisted with one-legged squats

  2. 6 rounds + 5 step ups
    step ups on 18" box
    used weight bench for assists w/ OLS

  3. Started WOD but rolled fitball into sharp corner and busted 2nd round. So started over.

    6 rounds plus 10 box jumps plus 8 pistols
    Pistols down to weight bench

  4. 5 rounds.
    No box, jumped as high as I could. Toes on floor for squats.

  5. Finished 9 rounds at the timer. Went ahead and did one more for an even 10
    Step ups
    One leg squats probably didn't qualify to be called one leg. Put heel down in front. Ugh…

  6. 5 rounds + 10 step ups
    Subbed squats for regular 60lb squats since I couldn't get the form right on pistols

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