
Friday 07.31.15


For time:
20 Front squats, 40-60 lbs
30 Box jump, 18 inch box
40 Kettlebell swings, 20 lbs
50 Wall ball shots, 10 lb ball

Compare to 07.30.14

Post time to comments. 


  1. 7:50
    65 lb front squats
    Box jumps
    30 lb KB
    Ran upstairs and outside to do wall ball(12 lbs)

  2. 7:41
    40# bar
    Step ups
    20# kettle bell
    Thrusters 10#
    My arms are dead! First full week back after a year of here and there work outs!

  3. Got a free week pass to the local gym, so did 1 hr of Body Combat plus 1 hr of Zumba. Will make up this WOD tomorrow or Monday.

  4. 6:40
    45# squat
    18" box
    15# swing
    20} wall ball
    98 degrees in garage…dead

  5. 5:00
    20# front squat
    20# kettle bell
    20# thrusters subbed for wall ball

  6. 6:55
    50# squat
    Jump tucks no box
    As rxd
    Rest as rxd!

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