Friday 07.17.15


5 rounds for time of:
7 Dumbbell squat clean thrusters, 10-15 lb dumbbells
20 Butterfly sit-ups

Compare to 07.18.14



  1. 7:10
    35# SCT
    7:03 w/ 20#

    Followed w/ 800m & strength training

  2. 5 rounds as follows
    1. 45# thrusters 20 BSU 1:31
    2. 50# Thrusters 20 BSU 1:23
    3. 55# Thrusters 20 BSU 1:15
    4. 60# Thrusters 20 BSU 1:16
    5. 65# Thrusters 20 BSU 1:15
    Total time = 6:00

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