Tuesday 07.14.15

For time:
21 one-legged squats
15 cleans,  20-130 lbs
9 pull-ups

Rest 5 minutes

Then, for time:
21 handstand push-ups (scale as needed)
15 snatches, 20-30 lbs
9 push-ups

Post times for each chipper to comments.


  1. 2:31
    unassisted pull ups

    21" barstool back to wall
    9 unassisted pull ups

    Didn't take full 15 min rest, more like 5-7 minutes.

    Followed w/ strength training

  2. Hiit mamas Northglenn
    Shawntae 45# no rest 4:58
    Courtney 45# no rest 5:39
    Leslie 25# no rest (14 weeks with twins) 6:46

  3. 2:16
    30# snatches
    Kitchen table for pull ups

    Rest 7 min

    Knees on couch for handstand push ups
    30# snatch
    Boy push ups! First 4 was almost to floor. Rest were about half way down.

  4. 6 mile run
    45 min. swim

    45# cleans
    jumping pull-ups

    full rest

    feet on chair for hspu
    30# snatch

  5. Taught 1 hr cardio hip hop.

    Pistols down to fit ball (no bouncing)
    30# cleans
    Reverse pull ups

    18 min rest (forgot to watch the clock)

    Pike HSPU
    30# snatch
    Full push ups

  6. 6 miles running, then 3:11 40# cleans, step assisted pull ups, 2:56 30# snatches

  7. 6:02 21 pistols each leg standing on a box, 95# cleans, Kipping pullups. 4:45 HSPU feet on a box, 45# snatch, standard pushup.

  8. 3:20, chair assisted pull UPS, pistols from a chair, 30# cleans
    4:11, boy push UPS for handstand, 15# one armed snatches (15 each arm), girl push ups

  9. First section: 3:36, 45# cleans, jumping pullups.
    Second: 2:48, hspu w/knees on couch, 10# dumbell snatches.

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