
Thursday 07.09.15


3 rounds for time of:
21 pull-ups (assist as needed)
15 handstand push-ups (scale as needed)
9 thrusters, 135 lb.

Post time to comments.

*In honor of U.S. Marine Cpl. Marc T. Ryan, of Gloucester City, New Jersey, who was 25  years old when he died Nov.
15, 2004, from a roadside bomb in Ramadi, Iraq.



  1. 10:45
    20 total unassisted pull ups, rest w/ assist
    Push ups on 21" bar stool bar back to wall
    40# thrusters

    1. Lol! I think we are all beasts in our own way..,we all have our own strengths & weaknesses. I'm definitely not a runner!! I love how this site is encouraging and non judgmental! Thanks for the words- I used them to push through today's wod.

  2. 7:40
    Jumping pull-ups
    Hspu with feet on top of treadmill handle
    54lb thrusters

  3. 13:27 band or step stool assisted pull-ups, bar stool push ups, 50# thrusters

  4. 16:53
    Slight modification to wod:
    21 negative pull ups slowly lowering down, holding as long and slow down as possible
    15 handstand pushups, feet on high bar stool
    9 front squats 35#

  5. 9:14, chair assisted pull up, girl push up, 20# thrusters

  6. 10 ish minutes, forgot to set a timer. jumping pullups and hspu w/knees on couch. 45# thrusters.

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