Monday 06.15.15

5 rounds for time of:
3 cleans, 20-30 lbs
200-meter sprint
20 kettlebell snatches, 20 lbs, 10 each arm
Rest 2 minutes
Post time to comments.
*In honor of U.S. Air Force Capt. Ryan P. Hall, of Colorado Springs, Colorado, who died Feb. 18, 2012, near Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti, Africa, when his single-engine U-28 aircraft crashed. There were four total fatalities. The 30-year-old was assigned to the 319th Special Operations Squadron, Hurlburt Field, Florida. 


  1. 13:31…..then jogged till I got to 20 minutes. Tired today. Good workout! Thanks for this blog!

  2. 11:22
    Sub 1 min jump rope for run. Sick kids and didn't want to take them outside.
    No rest

  3. 12:05 as rx'd
    followed with 3×5 strength training

  4. Started with 3×5 strength training. Due to time constraints did an AMRAP with max time of 15 minutes. 12 away from completing 4th round when timer went off. Proud of how good I feel and the fact I got so many rounds done in 90degree weather!

    1. Oh no rests 20# cleans and 15 #kb. Will move cleans up to 30#next time around

  5. 21:08
    1.5 minute rests
    45 lb cleans
    10 lb snatches

    Worst stomach pain ever during the running, made me SOOOO slow. (I was expecting it, my tummy is upset today.) But glad to have worked out anyway.

  6. First 6/12 WOD
    Then 6/16 WOD

    Treadmill at 9.0
    15# kb

    Awkward on KB snatches. Spent first real watching YouTube videos for help.

    Playing catch up. Hope I'm not too sore tomorrow.

  7. 25:48, time includes all 2 minute breaks. Subbed 200sjr for 200m run. 20# cleans, 20# dumbbell for snatches.

  8. I wrote down the wrong thing and did kb swings instead of kb snatches. And I timed fastest and slowest. 1:42 fastest. 1:54 slowest.

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