Wednesday 06.10.15

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Deadlifts, 60 lbs
Pull-ups (assist as needed)

 Compare to 06.10.14

Post time to comments.


  1. Ran 2 miles

    4:34 (assisted pull ups)

  2. 3:47
    40# deadlifts
    Should really invest in a pull up bar.

  3. Hiit mamas northglenn
    Kim 6:30
    Shawntae 5:37 (with baby in the road pause)
    Brandie 8:47
    Jennifer 9:20 (1st Wod)
    Courtney 7:30
    Holly 7:40

  4. 6:56 vs 6:28
    70# vs 65# for dl
    Pull ups machine asstd

  5. 6:56 vs 6:28
    70# vs 65# for dl
    Pull ups machine asstd

  6. 7:25, 40# DL BC my knees are hurting, chair assisted pull UPS

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