Thursday 05.28.15

6 400-meter sprints

Rest as needed between efforts.

Post best and worst times to comments.


  1. Best 1:45
    Worst 1:56
    Worst time was my first sprint — had to convince my mind I could do better.

  2. I REALLY did not want to do this when I woke up this morning, but I pushed through mentally and of course glad I did!
    Worst: 1:46
    Best: 1:40

  3. 1: 1:34(worst)
    2: 1:32
    3: 1:32
    4: 1:33
    5: 1:31
    6: 1:29(best)
    Ran a mile for cool down

  4. Literally the worst workout. It was SO hot. And I did not realize how hard sprinting was. Lol!

    1. 55 seconds- we did about half the quarter. And walked the rest.
    2. 1:54
    3. 1:43
    4. 2:02
    5. 1:59
    6. 2:01

  5. I got 4 rounds done on the treadmill at 8.0 before it quit on me twice. Thunder storm outside so I called it a day.

  6. 1:44 worst
    1:37 best

    All at max speed on treadmill (10) so I don't know why there is variation

  7. Really didn't want to do this on the dreadmill. Will save for Sat to do outside.
    Did my own version of Tuesday's WOD from the crossfit website.
    15 mins:
    10 bench press, 30#
    20 body surfers
    30 hip raises, feet on 6" box

    8 rounds plus bench

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