Tuesday 05.19.15

10 100-meter sprints

Rest as needed between efforts.

Compare to 06.27.14

Post best and worst times to comments.


  1. Best 21:34
    Worst 25:31
    Average around 22
    (vs. best 29, worst32)

  2. Did 10 100 meter sprints with 100 meter jogs between each…. Not sure of my times though but I was very very sweaty after this one!

  3. Oh man I just realized I did 200 meter sprints and 200 meter jogs! I guess I wasn't awake enough this morning for this workout!!

  4. 40 degrees and pouring rain! When did I trade sunny Colorado for Portland??

    Subbed 10 burpees each round.
    Best = 33
    Worst = 37
    Average = 34.4

  5. Started with 30 good form burpees to warm up. Then only ended up being able to finish 5 sprints before I was needed at sports practices. Ended up scrimmaging at soccer so I got a little more running in.
    Fastest: 16 seconds
    Slowest: 18 seconds

  6. Best 29; worst 40. This was hard because I haven't been running, but plan to incorporate at least 1 mile a week to get my endurance back up. This is worse than what I've done the last time?

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