Monday 05.11.15

For time:
1-mile run
50 weighted squats, 50 lbs
100 butterfly sit-ups
100 double-unders (400 single jump)
50 sumo deadlift high pulls, 25 lbs
100 box jump overs, 18 inches

Post time to comments.



  1. The title of this workout should be: How Many Breaks Can You Possibly Take?

    I did this as RXed, but my time is simply too embarrassing.

  2. Time is terrible. 40:58 but I wanted to stop and didn't! Yay! Single jump rope and box step up/downs. Rest as rx'd.

  3. 26:35
    Ran mile then split the rest into 2 rounds
    Step ups

  4. First off Wow! Happy Monday!

    My time was 26:30 but apparently I can't read today bc I did 50 sit-ups and 100 sumos so I mixed that up…. Then my knee does not allow me to do box jumps so I did a quarter mile on treadmill at 15% incline…. So my time might not be true…… I stuged with 50 sit-up so when I looked back I was a little excited I mixed that up. ?

  5. 30:54
    20# squats
    20# sumo deadlift high pull
    18in step up and down as fast as I could
    What a workout! It is like you knew I ate like crap yesterday and wanted to punish me!

  6. 23:02 With Multiple Mods:
    #13 Bar on Squats & SDL
    NO Box Jumps
    NO JR's
    but…Back to the TM for a few

  7. 7:35 for mile
    29:20 for the rest
    45 lb squats

    36:35 as RXed

  8. No run 28:40 20# squats and dls ships nursing left knee for half marathon Sunday may run later today or tmrw am

  9. 32:20. Did mile in 8:57 (while pushing double stroller), then took a break to get kids settled, then did rest, but split into two rounds of each thing (so 25 squats, 50 sit ups, 200 sjr, 25 sumos, 50 box jumps, twice). I have a pulled muscle in my num and a sore knee, so I went easy on the weights and did 20# squats, and 10# sumos (but the sumos KILLED my pulled muscle, so I didn't get very deep). Also, I do my box jumps on my porch, so I couldn't do overs, just regular box jumps. Great work out!

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