Thursday 05.07.15
For time:
50 Deadlifts, 60 lbs
50 Walking lunges
40 Front squats, 30-40 lbs
40 Knees-to-elbows
30 Power cleans, 20-30 lbs
30 Burpee box jumps, 18 inch
20 Thrusters, 20-30 lbs
20 Double-unders (sub 80 single jump rope)
Compare to 05.02.14
Post time to comments.
Hiit Mama Holly from Challenge VIIII
20:40. 40# deadlift and front squat, 20# cleans and thrusters, k2e on floor, 80 single jumps no rope
65# DL
40# squat ( I'm so over squats this week!)
KTE on bar
20# KB clean (was starting to run close on time)
30# thruster
40 lb deadlift and squat
20 lb cleans and thrusters
Single jump rope
Kte on floor
50lb deadlift
65# deadlifts
45# squats
25# cleans
Burpee step jumps
25# thrusters
20 lbs all
Single jumps
Needed several water breaks! Yikes!
Legs are toast!
70# DL
30# for the rest
K2E on floor
Box was 14"
One yr old was trying to do burpee box jumps with me – so helpful.
Vs. 16:32
60# DL
20# for rest
All else same
Also SJR
19:56 up from 18:00 last year but I did up all my weight. 30# squats, 45# power cleans, 45# thrusters
Lots of mods
25 deadlifts @ 40# rest at 20#
Butterfly sit ups subbed for kte (still building up stomach muscles from c-section)
Half burpee half box jump
20# cleans
20# thrusters
28:00 went heavy and slow. Lots of breaks.
90 lb deadlifts
45 lb squats
Knees to shoulders
Walking lunges, knee to the floor
20 lb cleans
20 lb thrusters, butt to floor
Double unders
19:35. 70# dl, 20# for rest.
19:35. 70# dl, 20# for rest.
55 lbs for all
53 lb dl
33 lb bar rest
20:15, kte half on bar half on floor, rest as rx'd