
Wednesday 05.06.15

“Nasty Mamas”

3 rounds for time of:
50 one-legged squats, alternating
7 pull-ups
10 hang power cleans, 20-30 lbs

Compare to 05.05.14

Post time to comments.


  1. 11:21
    Bench assist on squats
    Unassisted pull ups

  2. 6:29
    Did regular squats (still trying to strengthen my right knee and didn't want to re-injure it)
    Jump pull-ups
    20 pound cleans

  3. So mean after all those squats yesterday!

    Pistols down to fitball (paused at bottom; no bouncing)
    Reverse pull ups
    30# cleans

    Vs 9:58
    OLS with back leg behind
    Chair asst pull ups
    20# cleans

  4. 9:30
    Pistols to 90 degrees with one hand against the wall.

  5. 7:17 something like that. I forgot and my husband changed my phone out today. Did 45# hang power cleans

  6. 7:09
    Pistols still pathetic
    Jumping pull-ups
    25# squat cleans
    (vs. 7:01, 20# cleans)

  7. 11:12 30# no pull-up bar so deficit pushups

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