Friday 05.01.15


4 rounds for time of:
27 Box jumps, 18″ box
20 Burpees
11 Squat cleans, 20-40 lbs

Compare to 05.01.14

Happy Birthday to my sweet daughter
who is turning 7 today! 


  1. 13:35
    12" box, variate step up
    Semi burpees
    30# cleans

  2. 16:35
    18 in step ups
    Burpee to plank
    20# squat clean
    I am sweaty and tired after that one

  3. 13:30 ish. Paused for a phone call.
    Compared to 15:26 and 17:17 ?

  4. 16:36 Last time I did box jumps with my one year old I stomped on her fingers (twice!!) so did step ups.
    18" step ups
    30#, butt to floor

    Vs 16:41 w/ 14" jumps and 20# cleans

    Totally exhausted (as usual!) by Friday's WOD. Dripping!

  5. 20:35 with lots of interruptions! Apparently my 15 month old needs extra hugs and love when mama is sweaty haha

    Modified A LOT:
    half 18 in. step ups, half 12 inch jumps (watch out for baby!)

    10 burpees (watch our for baby!)

    20# half squat cleans/half squats

    10 burpees

    Happy Birthday, Dylan!

  6. 27 minutes.
    Not sure what happened with this workout today.
    I had no speed or energy. Still completed it and that's okay.
    23" Box Jump
    45 lb Squat Clean

  7. 18:34 – 21" box, full burpees, and 45# squat cleans
    Mentally tough workout!

  8. 19:23
    45 lb squat cleans
    Everything else as RX'd
    Except for "unexpected rest break" To turn on tv show when 4 year old woke up too early 🙂

  9. I only had time for half. 18" jumps, full burpees, 20# sc. 11:07

  10. Needed to stop to breathe between each set, oy. not counting stops, just past 18 minutes. 20# squat cleans.

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