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Wednesday 04.15.15

3 rounds for time of:
10 handstand push-ups (scale as needed)
15 bench dips
20 butterfly sit-ups
25 pull-ups

Post time to comments.

no caffeine


  1. 17:00
    HSPU on 21" barstool- back against wall
    Straight leg dips
    10 unassisted pu, rest assisted w/ barstool. Shoulders & Forearms are on fire!!!

  2. 21…feeling barfy with some morning sickness do had to move slow. Made it through though!

  3. 17 min
    Hand push-ups with feet on back of couch
    Pull-ups from standing…only did 25 each round.

  4. 15:16
    Switched the #'s for pull ups and push ups.
    10 pull ups with table
    Bench dip on chair
    45 gpu
    My arms are dead!

  5. Ran 29 minute intervals first then…….10:27 but I only did 25 pull-ups per round……… Bc……..well bc it's my birthday…… And that's the only excuse I can think of!!! Wow my arms are tired

  6. 27:05
    Push ups on box
    45 jumping pull ups each round. That last round took a looong time!

  7. Sorry Mamas, when I posted I never noticed the 45 pull-ups!!?! I changed it but too late for most of you. Props to everyone who attempted or completed!! Beasts!

    11:42 with 25 jumping pull-ups per round
    HSPU with knees on weight bench

    1. I felt really guilty for making it easier right before I did it when some if you completed with 45 pull-ups per round……
      So I went back and did 60 jumping pull-ups in 3:09. It wasn't as bad as I thought. ?

    2. Ha ha! I saw this WOD on the crossfire site and thought, surely she'll change the reps….so I was a little intimidated when I saw that- but got it done & will have some nice arms & shoulders this summer!

  8. 11:50
    Did Standard Push Ups & Not handstand PU's..
    Used Blue band for Pull Ups

  9. 12:57 push-ups on a bar stool, jumping pull ups

  10. 10:54
    First round HSPU on coffee table, last two rounds with knees on table
    10 jumping pull-ups per round, 15 chair assisted per round.

  11. Hspu and bd from rear bumper
    Bsu arms crossed 1st round only
    No pull up bar/ subbed push press 15# for half, 10# for half.

    1. 2nd 3rd rounds of hspu were on the ground from knees. The ones from the bumper really fatigued those muscles and I was afraid for my face. I couldn't even do mil push ups!

  12. 11:33, Hspu w knees on couch, subbed crunches and reverse crunches for bfsu, jumping pull ups.

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