Tuesday 04.07.15

Complete as many rounds as possible in 30 minutes of:
800-meter run
25 dumbbell thrusters, 10-15 lb dumbbells
200-meter farmers carry, 20-lb. dumbbells

Post rounds completed to comments.


  1. 3 full rounds plus 200 m run on 4th round
    40 lbs for all
    Outside workout
    Farmers walk was tough!

  2. 4full rounds plus 200 meter run ….. Super super sweaty!!!?

  3. Only had time for 25 min
    3 rounds +300 meter row

    600 meter row
    20# thrusters
    40# farmer walk

    1. Ran outside, so I'm pretty sure I ran more than 800 each time :/

  4. 3 rounds plus 800m run and 25 thrusters
    20# thrusters
    50# farmers carry

    Frustrating time today. Sore from two WODs yesterday; battled 1 yr old forever for nap; didn't plan exit from treadmill for carry and tripped/dropped weights and broke surge protector – had to reroute treadmill; got a side cramp… Definitely wanted to quit. 🙁

    1. I have a 7 month old! Refusing to take a nap is a battle of it's own! I know the feeling but congrats for not quitting! Proud of you!!

  5. 900m rounds
    3 rounds plus 900m
    20lb thrusters
    45lb farmer carry

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