Friday 04.03.15

5 rounds for time of:
20 box jumps, 18-inch box
20 butterfly sit-ups
20 hip raises (challenge with: single leg hip raises)

Post time to comments.




  1. Felt like I had lead in my legs and I took a rest day yesterday.
    13:58 including interruptions

  2. 14:43
    2 rounds one leg hip raises other three rounds normal

  3. Two rounds in aprox. 6 min. Stopped because felt my abs protesting and I've been having trouble with Braxton-Hicks lately, so I figured I'd stop rather than pay for it the rest of the day. Subbed step ups and crunches. 16 weeks pregnant with baby #6

  4. 11:14
    Step ups on 18"
    Arms crossed
    One leg hip raises- got tough at end- could feel all those lunges yesterday!!

    Happy Easter!

  5. 11:20
    Injured my knee and I have a half marathon next week so I took it super easy.
    Step-ups for box jumps and 1-legged hip raises.

  6. Made up yesterday's WOD and then

    18" step ups
    Regular hip raises (legs are jello after lunges)

    Still sick but pushing through.

  7. 6 minutes. Skipped box jumps and subbed with weighted step ups because it's 1st day of my cycle and the thought of jumping anywhere made my uterus cry.

  8. O and only made it through 3 rounds before kids needed me so I did squats every time I moved laundry today ?

  9. 16:08, did single leg hip raises. Was a little slower because I was entertaining my one year old as I was exercising. 🙂

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