Friday 03.20.15

Hero WOD

5 rounds for time of:
35 kettlebell swings, 20 lbs
30 push-ups
25 pull-ups (assist as needed)
20 box jumps, 18-inch box
1-mile run

Post time to comments.

*In honor of U.S. Air Force Major Lucas “Gaza” Gruenther, of Twain Harte, California,
who died Jan. 28, 2013, when his F-16 jet went down in the Adriatic Sea off
the coast of Italy. His first child was born a week after his death, a little girl, named Serene.


  1. Did not have time for that much running. Did 5 rounds of other exercises, body is shaking!
    25:48. Have to run tomorrow.

  2. 1:12:43
    jumping pull-ups
    step-ups 18 inch chair

    That was a tough! Happy to be done.

  3. 19:01
    3 rounds of exercises only- no running
    Subbed 40# bench press for push-ups
    1st 10 pull ups on my own each round
    Step ups 18"

    Great job James Family!

  4. 1:16:23
    15# KB
    chair asst pull ups
    18" step ups
    Treadmill (set at 6.7, 6.7, 6.2, 6.0, 6.0)

    Holy. Crap.

  5. Holy crap is right! Hats off to everyone who finished that!!
    I timed my miles separately so I would push harder.
    1- 5:21 mile 1-7:29
    2- 5:41 mile 2-8:08
    3- 5:21 mile 3-8:35
    4- 5:35 mile 4-8:46
    5- 6:40 mile 5-8:28

    Goal to be under 7:30 for my first mile and stay under 9 minutes for all the rest of the miles.

    Jumping pull-ups
    As RXed

    1. I promise you won't see that WOD again for at least another 10 years……or EVER!!!

  6. 1:11, ball assisted pull ups, girl push ups, 7:51, 7:52, 8:26, 8:15, 8:08 runs on the treadmill.

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