
Monday 03.09.15


3 rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
7 deadlifts, 60-80 lbs
10 burpee pull-ups (assist as needed)
14 single arm kettlebell thrusters, 20 lbs (7 each arm)
20 box jumps, 18-inch box

Post time to comments.

*In honor of Captain Jeffrey Bowen, of Alexander, North Carolina, who died July 28, 2011.
The 37-year-old was a 13-year veteran of the Asheville Fire Department,
assigned to Rescue 3. Bowen was fatally injured while fighting a
four-alarm fire in a medical building.


  1. 28:49
    Last 2 rounds were closer to 700m- running late
    Step ups on 18"

  2. Ran 3 miles

    Subbed 200 jr for run
    60# dl
    10# kb thrusters

    Ran my first marathon a little over week ago. Took last week off to recover. Easing myself back into running and these workouts. So happy to be back.

    1. My first grader just did a project on firefighters at school 'because they're heroes.' Thanks to all firefighters and their families.

  3. 26:00
    Sub row for run
    60# deadlift
    push up burpees w/o pull up due to row
    15# kettle bell thruster
    20 inch step up

  4. 22:18. Modified this since I'm training for a run. Ran 2 miles then 3 rounds of 7 60# deadlifts, 10 burpees, 14 20# dumbbell thrusters (7each arm). No box jumps because my shins were bothering me.

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