Friday 03.06.15

In front of a clock set for 12 minutes:
4 minutes of hang squat clean, 20-30 lbs
4 minutes of jump rope
4 minutes of burpees

Compare to 03.04.14

Post sum of hang squat clean, jump rope and burpee reps to comments.


  1. Set my timer up as a tabata
    HSC- 47
    Jr- 282
    Burpees- 53

    Total 388. Glad for a rest day tomorrow…I'm beat!

  2. 55 squat cleans 20 lbs
    459 jump rope (with pee break)
    64 burpees
    578 total

  3. Did hang cleans not squat, read it wrong
    20 20# moved to 30#
    288 single Jr
    30 burps
    387 total
    Vs 45 @30# squat cleans
    39 attempted double under
    50 burps, total 134
    Did some better, some worse than last yr

  4. 60 HSC, 20 lbs butt to the floor
    400 SJR
    40 burpees to the ground

    500 total

  5. 58 hsc @ #20
    No clue on singles
    39 burpees
    First wod in 5 months. Ow.

  6. Just learning the HSC
    40 with 8 lb dumbbells
    435 single jump rope
    45 burpees (half walk and half jump back)

    Total 520

  7. 60 HSC w/ 30#, below parallel
    500 SJR
    44 burpees

    Vs 60 (just wrote HC – may not have done squat?); 453; 35

  8. 63 HSC #20
    350 jump rope
    43 BRP all the way to ground

    456 total

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