Friday 02.13.15

“Love It”

5 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
21 Deadlifts, 40-60 lbs

Compare to 12.01.14

Post time to comments.

Happy Valentine’s Day Weekend!


  1. 18:55
    21 sec slower than Dec. but 10# heavier 🙂

    Happy Friday!

  2. 13:43
    60 lbs
    Beat my December time by 3 minutes!! Wahoo!!

  3. 15:38. 70# DL. Treadmill @ 8.2.

    Didn't do it in Dec, but last year's (2/14/14) was 17:01 w/ 60# DL.

    Lots of coughing and lung burning – still have that cold. But beat my time by almost 1 1/2 mins with 10# extra!

  4. Too busy Fri&tried to squeeze it in Sat between errands,kids sports,&family date night but ran out of time,only 2 rounds

  5. 22:55, 50# dl. Made good (for me) running, 2.5 minutes each round. Those deadliest got slower as I went though.

  6. -25 outside, so subbed 2 minutes sjr for runs. 40# dl. 17:36

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