
Tuesday 02.03.15

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Deadlifts, 60-80 lbs
Strict knees-to-elbows (try not to sub these or do on the floor)

Post time to comments.

no caffeine
no soda
fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm


  1. 12:44
    70 lbs
    On bar (switched from high bar to over the door bar because my hands were really sore)

  2. 11:59 as rx'd

    Hands are toast….but then so arey legs from yesterday!

    1. Target sells removable pull-up bars for $20. 🙂

  3. 11:20
    KYE on bar each rep 5 times then other remaining reps in incline bench lifting K T E.
    C section belly coming back slowly

  4. Made up last Tuesday's wod. Then
    4:21 60# through the round of 15 when my husband called because he locked himself out of the house. Had to rush home to save him from the 20 degree weather! 😉

  5. 10:03 50# should have used 60. KTE on the floor 🙁

  6. 10:32
    70# DL
    K2E on floor

    I don't do K2E on the floor b/c I'm lazy. I do pull ups on hubby's fitness tower which looks like this: http://www.amazon.com/Body-Vision-PT600-Power-Tower/dp/B000M29CCI/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1423000214&sr=8-6&keywords=pull+up+tower+station
    Tried real ones on it and it just doesn't work – not enough range of motion and knees crash into dip station. Went outside and couldn't find anything either. Worked with what I have and I'm going to feel good about it. 🙂

  7. Done but deleted my time after to time some planks. Don't have a place for k to e in the winter. Will look into that cheap bar at target. 60#

  8. 8:32
    20lb deadlifts bc my back is hurt but I'm healing and trying to strengthen it

  9. 10:14, 45# (highest weight I have) And Kte on floor. We have a tiny house, and every doorway runs into a wall.

  10. 14:31
    65 lbs on deadlifts
    21-18-15-3 K2E on Bar
    12-9-6 K2E on Floor

    I got to a point where I couldn't hold myself on the bar anymore and had to changed to K2E on the floor.

  11. 16:32, 60# dl, k2e on bar, but incredibly slow, but at least I did it!! (I wasn't going to quit and move to the floor. My hands are dying!)

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