Friday 01.30.15


For time:
Run 500 meters
50 Butterfly sit-ups
Run 1,000 meters
30 Butterfly sit-ups
Run 2,000 meters
20 Butterfly sit-ups

Compare to 07.17.14


  1. Short on time so did:
    3 rounds
    90 sec plank


  2. Taking a rest day. WODs this week plus an hour hip hop cardio class last night and I'm exhausted.

  3. 8 mile run in the rain

    Subbed jump rope for runs
    300 jr, 600 jr, 1200 jr
    bfsu as rx'd

  4. 21:24

    Didn't think my legs could do it after this weeks workouts but they did!

  5. 33:32, had a hard time with the last run. Subbed transverse abdominals rolls to elbow plank on exercise ball; realized all this lively core work has my and sticking out really far but not tones underneath 🙁

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