Monday 01.19.15

Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
10 deadlifts, 40-60 lbs
20 butterfly sit-ups
Post rounds completed to comments.


  1. 7 complete, 10 dead lifts, 5 sit ups
    40 # on dead lifts

  2. 6 rounds
    80# deadlifts
    Finished last situp on buzzer
    Trying to get faster on bfsu
    10 weeks pp

  3. No idea when timer stopped but did 5 rounds plus dl when I noticed. Subbed leg raises for my separated abs but still not finding a helpful spot.

    1. Hi Kristin- if you still have separated abdominals, you should not be doing leg raises. You need to only do exercises that draw your abdominals in towards your back, like planks. I have a list of ab subs for diastasis on the right side bar.

  4. 6 + 1 round of deadlifts.
    20lb deadlifts bc my SI joint is healing

  5. 8 + 10 DL
    I liked that one!

    Followed up with some pull up practice 🙂

  6. 7 rounds plus 10 DL and 17 BFSU. Finished last 3 after timer. 50# DL

  7. Hopefully next week I'll be back on track and start the week on Monday instead of Tuesday. School holidays and snow days have thrown me off.

    5 rounds with 40# DL

  8. 7 rds + dl and 5 abs. Subbed leg lifts for bfsu bc I did 100 of those yesterday. 45# do.

  9. 6 rounds + 3 DL (finished the remaining 7 after buzzer)

    60# DL

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