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Wednesday 01.14.15

3 rounds for time of:
50 walking-lunge steps
1 minute plank
50 double-unders (200 single jump rope)

Post time to comments.

no caffeine


  1. 14:15
    Break before 2nd round of jr to go pee. 😉

  2. 13:56. Loved the planks…great stretch after lunges!

  3. 13:00
    Single leg raises during plank.
    Double unders

  4. 17 minutes flat, but had to stop during sjr each time for a potty break. After having 4 kids naturally, those are really the worst thing ever.

  5. 14:30, subbed 100 jax for sjr. ceilings too low.

    @Sara, or anyone else interested in a random method to deal with the vaginal birth after-effects during jumping/running: Diva Cup. Not its intended purpose, but that has solved all of my problems, and I was even seeing a PT for them.

  6. 16:48; amen on the needing to stop to pee during jump rope. 5 kids later and that's my life. 🙂 sjr. Also had to take a quick break to get a pistachio out of my daughter's nose. You gotta love the daily adventures of being a mom! 🙂

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