
Monday 01.12.15

“Tabata That!”

Tabata Jump rope
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Squat
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Push press, 20 lbs
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Push-up
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Butterfly sit-up

The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals. Write down your reps each time during your 10 second rests.

Tabata score is the least number of reps performed in any of the eight intervals.

Post Tabata score for each exercise to comments and total for final score.

Compare to 07.29.13



  1. Aw, I have to count my worst?

    SRJ 45
    Squat 20
    PP 27
    Pushup (real) 5 (pathetic)
    BSU 10

    Total 107

  2. Yeah, I rather count my best- I actually had some good numbers on several rounds!
    JR- 24
    Squat- 11 (butt to floor)
    PP- 7- (30#….arms were shaking!)
    PU- 7- started w/ boy ended with girl
    BSU- 10

    Total- 59
    Lower score than a year and a half ago…but this time was w/ a real jump rope & heavier weight.

  3. JR 38
    Squats 12
    PP 11 (20 lb)
    PU 13 (almost all girl ones)
    Bus 10 (arms crossed)

    Total 84

  4. JR 36 (my jump rope and feet weren't working well together this morning)
    Squat 15
    Push press 10
    Push up 8
    Sit up 12
    Total 81

  5. I love Tabata
    Subbed jump rope with jacks and didn't count reps bc at gym and didn't bring anything to keep track with.
    Skipped last two rounds due to time

  6. JR–59
    PP (35lbs)–11
    PU–10. All boy


  7. Jr:38 (started late :/)
    Pu:10 (pathetic mpu-arms were toast after PP)
    Bsu: 8
    Total of 90
    On a better note…grand total was 819 reps! Awesome!!

  8. JR – 38
    S – 15 (butt to floor)
    PP – 12 (30#)
    PU – 6 (GPU to floor) – sad… shoulders were falling off
    BFSU – 9
    Total = 80

    Didn't do this last year (about to have a baby) but did 101 two years ago. Form is much better now and twice the weight on PP.

  9. I hate putting my lowest scores! 😉
    SJR- 40
    Butt to floor squats- 10
    PP (25 lbs)- 13
    PU- 8
    BSU- 11
    Score- 82

  10. Great workout!
    JR – 47
    Squat – 16
    PP #45 – 11
    PU – 10 (hand-release style)
    BSU – 10
    Total = 94

  11. Double unders 17
    Squats to below parallel 12
    Push press 25# 8
    Push ups girl terrible form. Not all the way down to chest touching 7
    Bfsu 10

  12. 1st time…got a little confused at first.
    JR 16
    Sq 15
    PP 10
    PU 8 (girls)
    BSU 7
    Total: 66

  13. Ouch!

    JR – 37 got tangled
    Squat – 18 butt to floor
    Pp 45 # – 12 had to drop to 20 for two rounds but went back up to finish.
    Push ups – 8 three rounds strict boy, 4 rounds mbpu, and one round girl push-ups to recover and finish. Shoulders we're toast after pp.
    Bsu – 12

    Total 87

    Then handstand wod.

  14. Jr 40, squat 11, pp 12, pu 10, bfsu 8.
    All went up from last year except squats, and I think that's because now I'm doing them correctly, lower.

  15. JR 39
    S 11
    GPU 6
    bSu 5 I was doing these wrong I think :/

    No weights for PP. PUs killed me. Lots to work towards 🙂

  16. Didn't have time yesterday, yada, yada, yada…but I did this today. I will say I am out of shape. It was WAY hard!!! I'm not posting my score – just take my word, it's sucky. I guess sucky is better than nothing, though – right? 😉

  17. I didn't get to it yesterday either. But I did it today!

    Subbed jumping jacks for the jump rope because my kids were busy running by me. And I did knee push ups. Otherwise as rx'd.

    24, 12, 9, 8, 7

  18. JR 36
    S 11 (deep squats)
    PP: 13 (20#)
    GPU: 5 (fighting for each one, my arms were so dead!)
    BSU: 9

    Total: 74

    Maybe one of the hardest work outs I've ever pushed through. Awesome and I can't lift my arms anymore.

  19. I gotta say, I'm much more motivated by posting the highest reps! I put those in parents to make myself feel better…

    Subbed jax for Jr, 20 (24)
    Squats 17 (21)
    Pp 11 (21)
    Gpu 9 (15)
    Bfsu 9 (10)

    Total 66

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