
Tuesday 12.16.14

Chris Loves Jenni

3 rounds for time of:

Run 500 meters
50 double-unders (200 singles)
50 walking lunges

Post time to comments.

 Happy 14 Year Anniversary to Us!!



    News flash, ladies: Your rope may be to blame for you lack of double under ability. For the last year I have been using the jumprope I got with Insanity Asylum. I have never been able to handle more than about 10 double unders because I had to jump so high to get over my rope. But last week it broke I ordered one of these for $9. http://www.amazon.com/Buy-Jump-Ropes-Double-10-Feet/dp/B00EXJ4RZS/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1418730393&sr=8-1&keywords=double+under+rope

    I could not believe how much easier double unders became. They're still a lot of work, but they are much more manageable. It might have taken me a long time, but today I did all 150 double unders. Just wanted to pass that on. Maybe you're not a total wimp; maybe it's your rope!


  2. Happy Anniversary Jenni!
    Single jr

    Good to know Stephanie! Thanks!

  3. 20:59
    Single jump rope
    I think I need to replace my rope too!

  4. Completed after 12/15 wod. 23:15. Single jump rope. 45# walking lunges. Then partial chest and back wod.

  5. 18:35 w/ SJR. Liked that one! Had to help my 1 yr old a few times.

    Happy anniversary!!

  6. That one almost brought me to the throw-up stage…great work out (and a nice travel one too!).

    22:46 sjr

  7. 34:57
    Stroller with 7 week old
    4 year old running with me
    12 year old dog
    But I finished (some how 🙂

  8. 31:05
    Run/walk,singles/30 du,lunges
    Bike .62mi,singles,lunges

  9. 7 mile run

    Skipped the running and just did 3 rounds of the sjr and lunges


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