Friday 12.05.14


12-9-6 reps for time of:
deadlifts, 60 lbs
pull-ups (assist as needed)

Post time to comments.

 Hiit Mama Jen
South Carolina

“I felt inspired to take a picture today after I finished your workout.  I
have been following you for a few years now.  Thanks for always posting
such great workouts!  BTW, I am just a hobbyist photographer, no
business.  I am a stay at home (home schooling) mom to four kids around
the same ages as yours.  🙂  Thanks again!”


  1. 3:22
    Jumping pull ups (first 5 on my own)

    Great week!! Happy Friday Mamas 🙂

  2. 3:56 115# deadlifts 90# assistance on pull ups. Then finished sholders and back and partial leg routine. Then RPM.

  3. 4:05
    assisted pullups from the fireplace mantle. Maybe I need to get one of those pullup bars…

  4. 4:17

    115# dl
    Unassisted kipping pull ups

    Ran 4 miles in 29:30

    .5 miles to cool down.

  5. Second wod today

    55# assist (first 5 unassisted)
    Left time running while moving between stations

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