Friday 11.28.14
“Black Friday”
3 rounds for reps of:
10 lb Dumbbell squat cleans, 1 minute
20′ Shuttle sprints (20′ sprint forward + 20′ sprint back = 1 rep), 1 minute
60lb Deadlifts, 1 minute
Burpees, 1 minute
Butterfly sit-ups, 1 minute
Rest 1 minute
Compare to 11.29.13
Post total reps to comments.
Total 246
20# squat cleans 60
Subbed double under practice for sprints 25
65# DL 62
Burpee 29
BSU 70
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!
Did 11/25 WOD as a warm up
45 SC- 20#
21 shuttle (my dog kept chasing me so this was hard!)
51 DL- 40#
34 burpee w/ push up & jump up
84 sit up
Still getting over being sick- so coughing uncontrollably at times made it hard . Just felt good to do some exercise though!!
1 mile run, then 63, 28, 59, 66, 84 as rx'd
300 total, 20# squat clean
DSC 10# total 22, 23, 23
Shuttle sprints 6, 6, 6
Deadlifts 60# 22, 22, 21
Burpees 15, 15, 15
Sit-ups 25, 25, 26
Total 272
Then 25 min elliptical
Squat cleans, 20 lb 17, 18, 17 total 52
Sprints 11, 11, 10 total 32
Deadlifts 50lbs 31, 31, 30 total 92
Burpees 19, 20, 19 total 58
Sit ups 35, 36, 37 total 108
Total 342
58, 28, 79, 39, 75. Total 279. Versus 244 last year. Best improvement was BFSU – 75 up from 52 last year!!
Completed on 12/1
45# Clean and press: 14, 14, 15
Sprint: 13, 11, 12
Deadlifts 95#: 22, 24, 28
Full Burpees: 13, 13, 13
Sit ups on ab horse: 29, 30, 32
Then12/1 wod. Then RPM. Teaching body step tonight.
Sc:47 (20# bar weights)
Dl:70 (65#)
Dl-63 (65#)
Bsu-48 (arms crossed)
Forgot to count whole time…last round was 92 total so probably around 270
Pat ad Maria – this was a tough workout .loved it
Pat #30bd's – 14/13/13
#135 18/18/20
Maria #25 12/11/10
13/11/10 1/2
#80 16/18/17
20# cleans: 14, 16, 19 = 49
Shuttles 11 ea/round = 33
45# dlifts: 19, 27, 28 = 74
Burpees: 12, 14, 14 = 40
Bfsu: 23, 24, 28 = 75
All = 271.