
Friday 11.14.14


3 rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
21 Kettlebell swings, 20 lbs
12 Pull-ups (assist as needed)

Compare to 07.25.14

Post time to comments.


  1. 12:18
    Jumping pull ups
    1st 4 pull ups were on my own 🙂

    Have a great weekend Mamas!

  2. 10:31 vs 10:07. Guess I didn't set the treadmill fast enough. 15# KB and chair asst pull ups. Better next time.

  3. 12:19

    35lb KB
    unassisted kipping Pull ups except 6 in the middle.

    Last time was 13:11

    Heavier weights, & more kipping pull ups less time. !

    Half mile warm up and 3 mile run after. 22:10

  4. 12:26, compared to 14:15 almost four months ago when i started my first 90-day challenge! 25# kb and 20# bent over rows for pus.

  5. 12:57, jumping pull ups, the exercise ball assisted on last 2 pu round

  6. 14:30
    Pull ups with band
    Had to keep taking down and putting up my pull up bar. 17 degrees outside.

  7. I ran 1.2 miles first (technically ran/walked because the street and sidewalks were covered in ice) and didn't time it. Then I did the swings and chair assisted pull ups in their three rounds and my time was 6:22.

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