Friday 10.24.14

For time:
30 box jumps, 18-inch box
30 pull-ups (assist as needed)
30 kettlebell swings, 20 lbs
30 walking lunges with 20 lb weight
30 knees-to-elbows
30 push presses, 20 lbs
30 hip raises, holding a 20 lb weight
30 wall ball shots, 10-lb. ball to 10-foot target
30 burpees
30 double-unders (120 single jump rope)

Post time to comments.


  1. 17:00
    Step ups
    Jumping pull ups
    Subbed high pull for kb swing
    KTE on bar
    Subbed 300m for jr

    Happy Friday!!

  2. 18:48
    Step ups
    Jump assist pull up
    Single jump rope

  3. Ran 5 miles

    jumping pull-ups
    30# walking lunges
    kte all on bar
    35# push press
    25# hip raises
    12# ball for wall ball
    all double-unders

  4. 15:00. 30 in box step ups, 70, 80 and 90# pull up assistance, 26 # kettle bell, 45 # lunges, press and hip raise, 20# wall ball, single jump rope. Then ran 1.6 miles, then RPM.

  5. Ran 3 miles

    20# KBS
    30# PP
    15# WB

    For the last month and a half I have been doing WODs and running sporadically and can definitely tell by my time. Rededicating myself to making the time every day for my workouts.

  6. 14:47
    14" box jumps
    chair asst pull ups
    15# KB
    K2E on floor
    30# PP
    20# thrusters for wall ball
    rest as rx'd

    Good WODs this week! My legs were screaming the whole time – so sore! Happy Friday, Mamas!

  7. 19:04

    16" box jumps (hubby used bigger box)
    Middle band pull up assist
    25lb kb
    25 lb lunges
    Knees to elbow on bar
    25 lb pp
    25lb hip raise
    Burpees to the floor
    12 lb ball
    Double unders

    Working on multiple knees to elbows with Kip. Can do one touching but working on stringing 5 together without dropping off the bar. Not getting knees quite to elbows but feel like it will come together soon!!!!

  8. Did the main site version of this wod with two friends. Kind of like a partner WOD. 1 started and when she finished box jumps, the 2nd one started and so on.

    24" box jumps
    Unassisted kipping pull-ups
    35 lb kbs
    55 lb lunges
    Kte on bar
    55 lb pp
    Held 10 lb plate for hip extensions (on he back ext machine)
    15 lb wall ball
    And sjr

    Also practiced rope climb.

    Then ran 2 miles then did some thrusters
    3 sets of 8 at 70 lbs

    We finished the wod in 35:45. That was total time for all three.

  9. 17:04. Pullups w kitchen table, 25# kb, kte on floor, 25# lunges, subbed supermans for hip lifts.

  10. 18:24
    Jump up lower down pull ups and single jump rope. Rest as rx'd.

  11. 19.05
    Assisted Pull ups in 3 sets of 10 on machine

  12. 25:47 just happy to have finished without fainting! Many mods

  13. 18:34
    All unassisted pull-ups, k2e on bar, 40# push presses, double unders.

  14. Pat 19:35, #25KB, #20DB WL, #95 PP, #20HR & WB, single JR

    Maria 21:37 18BJ, a few pull ups then jumping pull ups, #20KB, #25DB's WL, ##25DB's PP, #20DB HR, #12 WB & single JR

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