Monday 10.06.14

6 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
10 Burpees (original WOD is 25 Burpees if any of you want to)

Compare to 10.04.13



  1. 22:08
    25 secs slower than last year, but…I added 15 extra burpees to make it 75 total.
    I then compared my time to last Tuesday's Hero WOD, where I ran 1.5 miles straight and then did 75 burpees. I was 8 sec faster today breaking it up and I jumped touching the top of the doorway w/ these burpees

    I am drenched and it took me awhile to recover!

  2. 23:12. My heart rate was through the roof the entire time! Felt like I could have gone faster, but I couldn't get enough OXYGEN.

  3. Ran 3 miles


    Ran on treadmill

    Whew! I haven't done a WOD for a while. I have just been running. It was nice to drip sweat.

  4. 30:22 with 25 burpees per round compared to 21:08 with 10 per round. I'll take that!!

  5. I liked Julie's idea of comparing today to last Tuesday's WOD (for me same total distance and burpees). I did 25 burpees the first round and 10 for the rest to make 75.

    Today's time was 20:02, vs 21:00 last Tuesday. Breaking it up more made me about 1 min faster!

  6. 16:43. 8sec slower than last year :(. Last year was outside on track, today inside on treadmill.

    Ran 3 miles after

  7. 27:05

    Did 2 rounds of 25 burpees!
    90 all together, and I feel so accomplished!

  8. I'm ALIVE! Been sick most of last week. I ran Friday, Sat & Sunday since it takes less energy for me to run then to do these WODS. I ran a very fast (for me) 10K yesterday and today I looked at the WOD as was like, "NOPE!"

    So I did the 9.26 WOD and ran 3 slow miles.

    Feels good to be moving and alive… though still rather congested. STUPID WINTER!

  9. 14:06
    Ran outside.pushing two toddlers
    Sub squats for burpees
    Only got 4 rounds in before walking buddy showed up.
    Walked 4 miles
    26 weeks pregnant

  10. just under 30 minutes.
    longer than 400 meters each round.. about 500 meters (?)
    First 30 Burpees, strict/Boy Push-ups
    Second 30 burpees, girl push-ups

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