
Monday 09.01.14

30-20-10 reps for time of:
Thrusters, 20-30 lbs
Butterfly sit-ups

Post time to comments.

no caffeine 
no soda
fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce sugar intake
drink water every day
no fried food


  1. Did 20# in each hand. Hope that's right!! This is my 3rd time doing it and an trying to stay on track! I need this!! Time 12:11! My 2 year old decided to hug me during sit ups so I took a break!! Lol!!

  2. Ran 3.3 miles
    20# thrusters
    Plank twists for bfsu
    21 weeks
    I am having a girl!

  3. 5:41 40# for first 10 of each set; o/w 20#.

  4. Ran 1 mile


    30 – 45lb thrusters
    20 & 10 – 35lb thrusters

    Ran 2 more miles

  5. 7:16
    Had to go really slow on sit ups. Tailbone is still super sore from last week. 25# thrusters

  6. Ran 3.13 miles

    5:46, 30# thrusters

    Glad to be doing workouts again after a week off. Trying to get acclimated to the new school year and schedule took a toll on my workouts!

  7. Ran 3.25 miles
    20# thrusters
    Sub'd Bf crunches, last ten full bf sit ups

  8. 5:40 completed on 9/2 after a weekend in and out of the hospital, a little shakey! 45# thrusters abs on an horse/machine. Then body pump.

  9. 5:40 completed on 9/2 after a weekend in and out of the hospital, a little shakey! 45# thrusters abs on an horse/machine. Then body pump.

  10. 5:01 30# thrusters

    Dear thrusters,

    I have not done you in a very long time, you were as awful as I remembered.


  11. 4:38 20# thrusters

    Lol Kari f! I need to that same letter but for box jumps!

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