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Thursday 08.28.14


3 rounds for time of:
32 deadlifts, 60 lbs
32 knees-to-elbows
800-meter run

Post time to comments.

*In honor of Navy Special Warfare Operator 1st Class Kevin Ebbert, 32, of Arcata, California, who died Nov. 24, 2012 in Uruzgan Province, Afghanistan, while supporting combat stability operations.

no caffeine 
no soda
fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce sugar intake
drink water every day


  1. This week hasn't seemed hard, but I am sore!

    65# DL. KTE on bar. Slow as molasses running.


  2. 25:30
    Outside and humid at 5:15 am
    40 lb deadlifts 2 rounds were Romanian deadlifts.
    Standing knees to elbows

  3. 20:10
    50# Deadlifts. kTE on floor.

    What is with this soreness I have?? I could barely put my arm up to put a ponytail in my hair.

  4. 13 mile bikeride

    54 lb dl
    k2e on floor
    400m runs

  5. 31:55, 60# DL, K2boobs on bar (worst part for me). Runs were estimated 800m by stride.

  6. 20# dead lift
    KTE on floor
    2 min, standing cardio exercises (bad knee, no running yet)

    19 min

  7. Timer got stopped mid 1st round. I know rds 2 + 3 = 15:04, so I'll estimate and say 22:25ish.

    Subbed leg lifts for K2E, didn't let my feet touch the ground. Rest as rx'd.

    I am also incredibly sore. Hope I have enough left for a WOD tomorrow!

  8. 24:21. Nice. I was aiming to be less than 25 minutes. 45# dls, kte on floor.

  9. 26:49
    1st round knees to elbows on bar. Rounds 2 and 3 on floor. I feel more of an ab workout when I do them on the floor. I don't let my legs touch the ground. On the bar my forearms seem to feel the brunt.

  10. 30:07
    Seriously so hard today! Those k2e took for.EV.er!

  11. Only time for 2 rounds after doing Monday WOD
    First round knees to chest on bar round 2 KTE on floor
    60 # deadlift

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