Friday 08.22.14


21-15-9-9-15-21 reps for time of:
Deadlifts, 60 lbs

Compare to 08.22.13

Post time to comments.

honor of U.S. Army Specialist Donald L. Nichols, 21, of Shell Rock,
Iowa, who died April 13, 2011, in Laghman province, Afghanistan, of
suffered when insurgents attacked his unit using an improvised explosive



  1. 15:33
    Squat thrusts (burpee to plank)
    60 lbs

    29 weeks

  2. 16:28
    75 # DL

    I always chug about 24 ounces of water first thing in the morning. Wakes me up!

  3. 12:12
    20#- did extra set of 21-15-9
    Burpees to plank

    Legs are toast this week!!

  4. 15:58 rx compared to 15:35 rx. Last year had better form as well.. trying to get back to it!

  5. 40 lb DL
    Burpees step up, used low bench didn't go all the way to floor.
    30 weeks pregnant

  6. 11:48
    Slower thn last year by a 1:15 don't know why, maybe mindset. Those hero wods can be deceiving!
    65# dl

  7. Heather Foster and Denise – You guys are my heros! Doing burpees in any form at 30 weeks is IMPRESSIVE! You go girls! 🙂

  8. 11:56
    60# dl for first half
    50# dl for second half
    chest to floor burpees

  9. 12:13
    Last years time was 10:24, don't know why I was so slow today!

  10. 10:42
    40# deadlifts
    Squat thrusters for burpees
    Did after Mondays workout
    20 weeks pregnant

  11. 10:48
    75# deadlifts

    Just shy of 1 minute faster than last year, 15# more weight. I'm good with that 🙂

  12. Pat 13:57 #100

    Maria 16:30 #85

    Pat beat last time by 47 sec added #5

    Maria added 31 secs also added #20

  13. Completed on 10/18 after 1.5 mile run and 8/12 wod. 15:09. 115# deadlifts, burpees to arms up.

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