
Tuesday 08.19.14


5 rounds for time of:
12 Deadlifts,  20 lbs
9 Hang power cleans, 20 lbs
6 Push press, 20 lbs

Compare to 10.08.13

Post time to comments.

Introducing the Fittest Woman on Earth
Only woman to win “The Games” twice!

no caffeine 
no soda
fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce sugar intake


  1. 5:53
    a full minute worse than last time! but i think that was because my arms are so tired from yesterday's wod. 30# for everything, didn't put down the weights between exercises (except a break during rounds 3 and 4)

  2. 6:30
    70lb deadlifts
    30lb cleans and push presses
    (Vs. 5:47 with 75lb deadlifts, 20lb cleans and push presses)

  3. Did some front squat work today. Also, some max reps of wall balls-40, they have to be consecutive. Then did a quick For Time:
    40 double unders
    40 kettlebell swings, 35#
    30 du
    30 kb
    20 du
    20 kb
    10 du
    10 kb

  4. First day back in almost 3 weeks. Deadlifts 100#, hang cleans 50#, press 30#. 7:29. Ouch! Then body pump.

  5. 4:51; accidentally added squats to the cleans all 5 rounds. Will bump up the weight next time when I'm not so SORE!

  6. 4:18
    75# dl
    25# other two

    Last time was 5:22 55# and 25#. Wooohooooo

  7. Focusing on going heavy with good form, which compromises my time. But my heart rate is up for longer and gaining muscle mass
    115# DL
    Did hang squat cleans instead of hang clean: 60#x1, 55#x2, 45#x2
    Same weights for pp

  8. Pat and maria 10:14

    Pat #115 dl, #30db on rest
    Maria #80 dl, #25db on rest beat last time by 1 sec and added weight

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