Friday 06.27.14

10 sprints for time:
Run 100 meters

Rest as needed between efforts.

Post best and worst times to comments.


  1. 19.61 fastest
    20.58 slowest

    Ended up doing 12 rounds as it seems I can't count very well. Happy Friday!

  2. Did yesterday's WOD first- 16:28

    Then did 5 rounds on elliptical
    Best- 26
    Worst- 28

    Had resistance up higher to get the distance needed- feels like a sprint up hill! After weighted walking lunges yesterday, 200 squats and sprints today- my legs are toast!

  3. Wow, I guess not many ladies wanted to do this one… 🙂
    Ran a mile warm up,

    Best 19.45
    Worst 21.70

    Then ran another 4 miles.

    15 pull ups kipping
    20 bpu

  4. On vacay, completed yesterday but no timer. Did in the field behind my sis in law's house. Tried to pace out the field, prob closer to 90 yards so I did 11 sprints.

  5. Completed on 7/2 after 7/2 wod. 11 rounds on treadmill. Slowest/warm up 25 sec. Fastest/fast as treadmill would go 18.56 sec. Then RPM.

  6. did not read right. …total time 5:41…did on treadmill and did more than 100 meters so it could get up to speed and added some incline

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