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Tuesday 06.24.14

“Cat Fight”

3 rounds of:
Wall-ball, 20 lb ball, 10 ft target (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 20 lbs (Reps)
Box Jump, 18″ box (Reps)
Push-press, 20lbs (Reps)
Butterfly sit-ups (Reps)
Rest 1 minute

In this workout you move from each of five stations after 1
minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a 5 minute round from which a 1 minute break is allowed before
repeating. At the beginning of each minute, the athletes must move to next station
immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep.

Add your points and post them to comments.

Compare to 06.24.13

no caffeine 
no soda
fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce sugar intake
3 glasses of water a day
no fried food
8 hours of sleep
no preservatives
eliminate wheat


  1. Total points: 317

    Subbed wall balls with 35# sandbag thrusters 42
    SDLHP 58
    20" Box Jumps 30
    PP 125
    BSU 62

  2. Wall ball 28, 28, 23 total 79
    Sumo dlhp 28, 26, 23 total 78
    Box step 39, 40, 40 total 119
    Push press 39, 39, 40 total 118
    Sit ups 32, 33, 34 total 99

    Total 493
    Compared to 444

  3. 325 total
    Wallball ~8ft 10#: 24,23,22
    Sumo-pull 35#: 18,20,18
    15" box: 17,21,20
    Push press 40#: 24,28,18
    Bfsu: 22,25,25

    25 reps more, 10# more SDLHP, 15# more PP

  4. We were on vacation all last week so I'm happy to be back home with my equipment.
    5 mths pregnant so I had to modify this one and rest as needed.
    421 was my score

    76 wallball using a 15 lb ball but on 9 ft target in basement
    67 sdhp with 30 lbs
    49 step ups on 18 in box holding 30 lbs
    118 push press with 30 lbs
    111 elbow plank with double knee drop (counted each knee drop as one rep)

  5. 113+121+108=342 subbed squats for push press during second round because I felt my legs weren't getting enough. Great WOD! So beat now!

  6. Squat thrust w/ back extension- 22, 25, 25
    High pull- 23, 24, 25
    18" box steps- 24, 25, 24
    Bench press- 33, 34, 35
    Butterfly crunches- 32, 30, 30
    Total- 409

    Cat Fight is one of my favorites!

  7. Total- 419
    Thrusters – 91
    Sumo – 88
    Box – 60
    PP – 100
    Sit up – 80

  8. R1- 85
    R2- 99
    R3- 105
    Total of 289 points
    Used 10# ball since I don't have a 20#
    20# for SDHP & PP
    17" bench for box jumps
    Arms crossed on BFSU

    + 3 mile run

  9. 404 reps (102,72,67,103,60)
    Wall ball-soccer ball
    25lb sdlhp and pp
    Box jumps 2nd step-(raining)
    Bsu-arms crossed

    Got stopped a couple times by pest control guy, so progress wasn't that great!
    Vs. 359 (all modifications same)

  10. Total: 325
    Wall ball(12# ball)- 63
    Sumo(30#)- 53
    Step-ups(18 in chair)- 64
    Push Press(30#)- 74
    BSU- 71
    Still recovering from injury, so not going 100%.

  11. Rd 1 = 141
    Rd 2 = 137
    Rd 3 = 129

    Total = 407

    20# thrusters for wall ball, 14" box jumps, rest as rx'd.

  12. I did a warm-up round as I was feeling a little stiff and inefficient which helped me a lot.

    WB = 78
    SDLHP = 74
    BJ = 60
    PP = 136
    SU = 57

    Total = 405

  13. Round 1
    23,23,11,60,27 =144
    Round 2
    Round 3
    12# ball
    25# sdhp and pp
    18" box jumps

  14. Wall Ball: 94
    SDLHP: 79
    BJ: 73
    PP: 133
    BFSU: 58
    Total: 437
    not bad for 22 weeks
    subbed step ups for box jumps, I don't trust myself jumping anymore

  15. Wall ball 10#: 15,14,13= 42
    Box jump 18inch: 11,12,12=35
    Sumo deadlift 20#: 33,33,33=99
    Push press 20#: 40,43,39 = 122
    Butterfly sit up: 28,27,28 =83
    Total: 381

  16. Subbed thrusters for wall ball. 20# for all.
    Great WOD!

  17. Ran a PR 10K on Sat, and still a bit tired. (Finished 17th overall – 44:02 )

    Wall Ball (10 lb ball) – 92
    SDHP – 85
    Box Jump – 58
    PP – 116
    BSU – 98

    Total: 449

    The Ran 2.25 miles outside slowly….

  18. Wall ball 33, 31, 36 total 100
    Sdlhp 31, 28, 30 total 89
    Jumps 24, 28, 25 total 77
    Push press 30, 28, 26 total 84
    Subbed crunches for bfsu (diastasis) 61, 58, 64 total 183
    Total all 533

  19. Wall ball: 30, 30, 30
    SDHP: 20, 20, 21
    Box jumps: 21, 21, 22
    Push press: 20, 22, 25
    Sit-ups: 29, 27, 28

    Total: 366

  20. Completed on 9/24 after 9/24 wod.
    Wall ball 14#: 29, 30, 32
    Sumo 45#: 19, 21, 21
    Box step ups 30in: 14, 15, 15
    Push press 45#: 20, 24, 22
    Butterfly's on ab horse: 26, 30, 33
    Then RPM.

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