Friday 06.13.14

5 rounds for time:
5 handstand push-ups (scale as needed)
10 one-legged squats, alternating
15 pull-ups (assist as needed)
12 deadlifts, 60 lbs
9 hang power clean, 20-30 lbs
6 push press, 20-30 lbs

Post time to comments.



  1. 17:15 if it was supposed to be 10 squats total (5 each leg) or
    18:45 for 10 squats each leg (I did more when done because I wasn't sure)
    Feet on wall
    Leg back for squats
    Band/chair assist
    75# DL
    35# cleans & pp
    Happy Friday!

  2. 17:19
    Feet on box for push ups
    Jumping pull ups
    40 lb dead lift
    20 lb cleans and push press

  3. 17:40
    Feet on back of chair for push-ups
    Little hops for pull-ups
    20lb for dl, cleans and push press.
    Whew! Tired.

  4. 17:46
    Pike on hspu
    Chair assist pu
    Bar only on pc- worked on form
    10# pp

  5. 20:10

    push-ups (boy)
    pull-ups with assist
    60lb deadlifts
    20lb power cleans
    20lb push press

  6. 16:22
    Feet on chair for hspu
    Jumping pull ups
    70lb deadlifts
    25 lb cleans and push presses

    That one was harder than it looked!!

  7. 15:16

    5 BPU on 2nd step
    10 Single leg squat 5 each
    10 blue band pull up (12 1st round)
    15 dead lift 40#
    9 power clean 22#
    6 pp 22#

    5 min bike warm-10 min bike cool

  8. 15:16

    5 BPU on 2nd step
    10 Single leg squat 5 each
    10 blue band pull up (12 1st round)
    15 dead lift 40#
    9 power clean 22#
    6 pp 22#

    5 min bike warm-10 min bike cool

  9. 28:48; I slowed it down to work on my form, since hanging power clean is newer to me, and since I had to travel around my gym a bit to do each ex.
    Did 5 rounds with standard push up
    10 sl squat each leg
    15 assisted pull up
    12 dead lift 60 lb
    9 hanging power clean with olympic bar (44 lb)
    6 push press 20 lb

    Did it after spinning class (hills).

  10. 16:57

    HSPU w/ feet hooked on dip station
    modified pistols*
    jump up/slow down PU
    60# DL
    20# cleans/presses

    *My brother is a big crossfitter and says the best way to work on pistols is to put a medicine ball under you and pause on it, going slow. Eventually you will get strong enough to get rid of the ball!

  11. Having a sick day… wish I could power through but my head feels like it might explode… Hopefully I'll be back Monday!

  12. 13:45 but 5 band assisted pull-ups and 15 handstand push-ups off box. 60# Deadlifts. 30# cleans and presses

  13. 17:30

    HSPU modified to pick with feet on treadmill bars.
    Pistol squats while holding on, but deep squat.
    Pull ups with band assist
    65lb DL
    35 lb hang clean
    20 lb push press.

    Ran 4.5 miles after.

  14. 17:30

    HSPU modified to pick with feet on treadmill bars.
    Pistol squats while holding on, but deep squat.
    Pull ups with band assist
    65lb DL
    35 lb hang clean
    20 lb push press.

    Ran 4.5 miles after.

  15. 17:42
    Feet on box for hspu
    regular squats(injured left heel)
    chair assisted pull-ups
    35# DL, Hang clean, push press

  16. 20:49
    2 rounds full pull ups
    3 rounds jumping pull ups
    60# DL
    30# hc
    30# pp

  17. 22:55
    HSPU with feet on 23.5 in bench
    Jump pull-ups
    60# DL
    20# HPC
    20# PP

  18. 19:00
    knees on box for hspu
    65# deadlifts and hpc-first round only
    40# hpc last four rounds and all push press
    Pull-ups with smallest assist band.

    That was so hard after a week on vacation. Missed the mamas!

  19. 16:46. Order all messed up. Completed some on 6/18. Group power after each attempt.

  20. 19:20; first workout after vacation
    HSPU off desk
    Jumping Pull ups
    65# DL
    30# HPC & PP

  21. Pat 19:40 #115 DL, #25db rest
    Maria 22:12 #70DL, #20db rest took a while for my pull ups

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