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Thursday 06.05.14

3 rounds for time of:
10 Deadlifts, 60 lbs
50 Jump rope

Compare to 06.05.13

no caffeine 
no soda
fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce sugar intake
3 glasses of water a day
no fried food


  1. 2 rounds with 1130m runs before and between.

    3:06 WOD
    5:53 1130m run
    2:24 WOD
    5:46 1130m run

    Total time with rests 21:30.

  2. 2:38 vs. 2:53
    75lbs. Vs. 50lbs.
    Added two more rounds to finish at 4:37. 🙂

  3. Ran 4.5 miles


    75lbs DL

    100 sit ups
    50 boy push ups
    Series of planks

  4. My workout as follows:
    7 pull-ups
    50 Double unders
    40 deadlifts, 65#
    7 pull-ups
    50 double unders
    30 front squats, 65#
    7 pull-ups
    50 double unders
    20 shoulder to overhead, 45#
    7 pull-ups
    50 double unders
    10 thrusters, 45#


  5. 2:31 as rx'd

    Then redid the WOD from 4/14. Improved by a whole round! Tried to do everything the same so I hope that's legit! 🙂

  6. 4:12

    30 seconds faster and 50# heavier!
    (I think I'm a slow jumper. My time looks a lot longer than everyone else's.)

  7. 3:55 as RXD
    Kept going til 9th round and finished at 12:19
    No run today woke up late

  8. 9:29 added in 50 wall ball shots (10lbs) to each round to make up for Tuesdays wod that I missed.

    Then ran 2 miles on treadmill

  9. 4:04

    60# (it felt really heavy for me!). I also don't have anything to compare back to but know there is no way I could have lifted that last year so yay me!

  10. 2:54

    85lb DL

    Ran 4 miles after. My knee and elbow Really bothering me so no push ups and pull ups.

  11. Didn't run my clock. Ugh!
    45 lbs DL
    Then ..45 lbs squats and bsu- 3 sets of 12

  12. Pat 3:14 #95 (2 sec slower but #20 heavier)

    Maria 3:23 #85 (33 sec faster & #20 heavier)

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