
Friday 05.16.14


3 rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
30 Dumbbell squat clean, 10-15 lb dumbbells
30 burpees

Post time to comments.

*In honor of U.S. Air Force Security Forces 1st Lt. Joseph D. Helton, 24, of Monroe, Ga., who was killed September 8th, 2009, while on a mission near Baghdad, Iraq,
when an improvised explosive device detonated near his vehicle.


  1. 23:56
    30 squat extensions
    30 lunges/30 "walking" mountain climbers- (can't do burpees yet- so tried to get some of the same movements- & lunges are a PT exercise for me)
    Happy Friday!

  2. 30:58
    30# db squat clean

    Great week of workouts! Loved all the running this week.

  3. Yikes.



    hammer curl (12.5#db) instead of squat clean-my legs are a wreck from the last two days!

    20 burpees on first two sets
    30 mountain climbers on last set

  4. Around 31 mins (timer got interrupted) as rx'd. 10# dumbbells, treadmill.

    Happy 31st birthday to me!

  5. 16:01 for 2 rnds, ran outta time for the third
    8lb dumbbells, all I have

  6. 39:00 even
    900 m run
    15# dumbbells
    Chest to floor on Burpees!
    Good weekend, mamas!

  7. Will have to redo that one another day… cold stone before a workout ugh, so sick. Bring on no sugar!

  8. 30:00
    Wallball in place of squat cleans -12 lb ball
    Outside workout 2nd round I only ran 500 meters but other 2 rounds were 800s
    15 wks and burpees were chest to floor not too much belly touching -ouch

  9. 2 rounds in 23:28 short on time
    Full burpee w chest to floor
    That was TOUGH!!!

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