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Tuesday 05.13.14

“Miss Jackson”

3 rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
50 Back Extensions (supermans or body surfers)
50 Butterfly sit-ups

Compare to 05.13.13

Post time to comments.

no caffeine 
no soda
fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol


  1. 22:09
    Modified back extensions and discovered BFSU are no longer comfortable at 14 weeks so subbed 1 min plank holds.
    Workout was outside in the rain and loved it!

  2. Did 2 rounds in 16:40.
    5:00 on elliptical
    Modified supermans on knees w/ opposite arm/leg out ( can't extend in my back yet)
    Modified BSU for crunches

    Had to cut it short to get in the rest of my other exercises for PT.

    Feels so good to sweat!!

    1. Welcome back Julie! So glad you are feeling better!

  3. 22:13
    Ran outside and came in for the floor work. Out breath and feeling great!

  4. Wow, starting to really feel that extra pregnancy weight, and the humidity didn't help!
    Modified supermans
    with a devastatingly slow time of 29:40

  5. Something in the water, so many pregnant mamas! Congrats to all of you, I have six kids, so you know I love babies.

    24:39 more like 1000m each round.

  6. 27:36. I like BFSU but they really hurt my tailbone! Great to be back after vacation!

  7. 24:55
    Goal was to be under 25 min, which I did but was cutting it a bit too close for my Comfort!! Felt like I was running through cement today!!!

  8. 28:29 as rxd. Compared to ly was 4 min longer but did easier version of situps. This time full bfsu without cheating & tucking feet under weight.

  9. Half mile warm up.

    18:44 – Outside

    Then ran another 1.5 miles.

    Then did 10 pull ups
    15 Push ups
    Handstands for 30 sec

  10. Completed on 5/19. After 5/19 wod. 27:44 on treadmill and ab horse/machine. Then RPM. Teaching body step tonight

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