Thursday 04.10.14


Complete as many rounds as possible in 25 minutes of:
11 Pull-ups
12 Deadlifts, 60 lbs.
10 Handstand push-ups

Post rounds completed to comments.



  1. My body felt dead this morning. I did yoga. Props to anyone conquering this after yesterday's workout!

  2. 11+ pull-ups, finished rd 12 @ 26:06
    Band/chair assist
    5rds feet on wall, 5tds feet on 24" box, 2 rds bpu
    WOW OMG!!

  3. 13 rounds
    Didn't have a bar for pull ups so sub 20# dumbell pull
    60# deadline
    3 rounds of push up on 12 in incline 3 on 3 inch, rest regular push ups

  4. 13 rounds in 25:48
    after 5th round could only do handstand pu every other round

  5. 10 rounds + 11 pull ups + 9 DL

    chair asst pull ups
    60# DL
    HSPU with feet hooked on dip station, had to switch off every other round w/ GPU

    Utter body exhaustion from the WODs this week (esp my shoulders!!). Hope tomorrow WOD is AMRAP in 25 mins of: REM sleep cycles!

  6. 9 rounds. Did 21 pull ups each round on the fat black assist band. Push ups off a 24 in box and 95# dead lifts. Then body pump.

  7. Ouch!

    Ran 1 mile for warm up.

    9 Rounds + 7 Pull ups

    Pull ups with small purple band for 7 rounds – bigger green band for the last 3

    DL – 75 lbs for 7 rounds dropped to 65 to finish

    HSPU – I went slow because I really wanted to work on these. I did all reps for 2 rounds fully inverted on the wall with a box under my head. Then all rounds but the last I did five up agains the wall and the rest either with knees on a chair or in a pike on the floor.

    Finished with another two miles on the TM.


  8. Tough workout. I don't think I ate enough lunch.
    Only did 14 round in 19:30

    11-KTE on bar
    12-DL 40#
    10-BPU feet on Bosu

    5 min warm up on bike. 20 min on bike afterwards.

  9. 11 rounds+8 pullups. Band asstd. Handstand leaning against door, 65# dl.

  10. I called this workout in. My grip was killing me, I need chalk for my pull-up bar, so I wind up getting throbbing callouses.

    I still got through 10 rounds. Tough.

  11. 7 full rounds + PUs and DL from 8th
    Sissy assisted PUs
    55# DL
    Feet on 17" bench with Push-Ups

  12. 14 round w 8 sec to spare. Jumping pullups, mixed up pushups, 55lb DL

  13. Ran 6 miles.

    Assist pull-ups, 70# DL, 18" decline push ups…9 rounds at 20 min & done.

  14. Pat – 9 rds plus pull ups on 10th, #95

    Maria – 8rds #75 each round did at least 3 unassisted pull ups

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