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Wednesday 03.05.14


3 rounds, 21-15-9 reps, for time of:
Thrusters, 20 lbs (total)
Butterfly sit-ups

It will look like this:
21 Thrusters
15 Thrusters
9 Thrusters
Repeat entire thing 2 more times.

Compare to 11.15.13

Post time to comments.

no caffeine
no soda  
only fruit or veggie snacks
  no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce sugar intake 
3 glasses of water a day
no fried food
8 hours of sleep


  1. 12:23 compared to 16:17 with push-ups and 17:19 with sit ups!!

  2. 12:03, 35#…WOW!
    Did this 1-5-14 (just 2 months ago) 11:38, 25#
    25 seconds slower, 10# heavier
    Keep up the great work, Mamas! Your body is amazing if you get your brain out of its way!

  3. Not going to post my time because it's not applicable with my modifications.
    10 lb. thrusters
    Plank mountain climbers to accommodate diastasis

  4. First time ever!
    I couldn't figure out what BFSU's were (now I know–just didn't read the instructions right the first time) so I did normal sit-ups.
    8lb dumbbells
    Only 2 rounds….I was dying!

  5. 6:51 only got two rounds plus 21 thrusters and sit-ups
    20# thrusters

  6. This was my first WOD to repeat since baby #3!!

    2 months postpartum
    #16 thrusters, push ups

    6 months postpartum
    #20 thrusters, CFSU

    My thrusters were 4# heavier and I beat my time by over a minute! Thank you Jenni! I just love being a HIIT Mama!

  7. 15:02
    25# thrusters to below parallel

    Rowed 3 miles
    27 burpees

  8. 17:35
    30# Thrusters
    Arms crossed on BFSU's
    Happy hump day, mamas!!!

  9. 14:41
    20 lbs butt to floor thrusters
    Arms crossed for BFSU.

    I have no idea how the first couple of you did 3 rounds in 10 minutes! I was pushing and I was right around 5 minutes a round!!!

    1. 18:22 in November! I'll take that 4 minute improvement!!!

  10. Martha…..you motivated me…..tried hard hard hard for an under 11:00

    11:06 (I'll take it:))

    Ran 3.5

  11. 2 rounds in 12:34
    20# thrusters
    Rough day… Glad I did something.

  12. 17:20. A little slower than last time, but I had to take several breaks for coughing due to just getting over a resp/sinus infection. I don't know how you all do these so fast!!

  13. 10:47 as rxd compared to 12 min last time. A 2 min difference!

  14. 10:52 20# Did BSU the first round of 21 but they hurt my tailbone so did a version of KTE on floor pilates style 🙂

  15. 8:38
    Did a ton of abs yesterday at insanity, so I decided to repeat the workout from last November, subbing push-ups for sit-up.
    20# thrusters
    Happy to report that this time was one minute faster AND I did all boy pushups!!!! Yeah!!!!

  16. Doing this on Friday since I can't run (still in recovery mode)…. not pushing myself until I'm completely better.

    Only 1 1/3 rounds – 7:24

  17. Pat 17:56 #65 (2:20 improvement) same weight

    Maria 18:54 #45 (1;54 improvement) increased weight by #10

  18. late posting this but I did it!

    2014: 12:57 1st rd 30# thrusters rest as rx'd

    2013: 15:21 as rx'd

    Whoop whoop I killed it! Took more than 2 minutes off my time and up the weights on the 1st round yeah me.

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